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Creativity for Writers

Monday afternoon, I registered for Creativity for Writers. I was so excited to begin but I didn't have access to the online classroom right away, which I knew it would be a day or two, so I began working on my featured picture for my weekly blog entries. I added a Creative Blog category on my blog page and featured it on my landing page.

Since August, I had been struggling terribly with my mental health. I felt like I was sinking deeper and deeper into depression and despair. My eagerness for earning my certification in Creative Writing was vanishing. I lost my ability to write when I was enrolled in the memoir course. I participated in the weekly online classes. I was able to muster up the introduction and first assignment, then everything I had been looking forward to since I discovered the certification was completely gone. I had no drive or desire to work through the writer's block. Even my blog went quieter then silent in December.

Something changed in the new year, I have been able to sleep since my psychiatrist adjusted my prescriptions and dosages. It was immediately noticeable that with eight hours of sleep, I can be creative and write more often. I wrote four blog posts the first week of January. I have felt more confident and thought it could be time to jump back in classes to continue working towards my certification.

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