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Until recently, I have viewed happiness and being healed as a destination point. To become happy. To be healed. But it's not really that, is it now? I saw this photo while scrolling, I couldn't find the original post but found someone share this image with the quote that spoke to my soul. "Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place." I felt this immediately - I have been thinking how I put my dream of becoming a writer away, how I was wearing other people's visions of who I was suppose to be. I was so many different things to different people it became very heavy. I was trying to be the strong person and I couldn't carry everyone's expectations of that version of me - I was miserable as her. I keep envisioning who Mallory is and what Mallory does everyday to be her best self. I keep going back to who I was when I was in safe spaces, when I was a writer, when I was able to be me... I see that space, I see that person. It's a creative space for a creative person. That when was a long time ago, that space doesn't exist in my old world; it's being created now in my new apartment, in my new world.

My creative space is evolving slowly - I have an art corner and building my art supplies while exploring new/new again skills.


11/2/2023 - I saw a friend share this quote on social media and it is by Paulo Coelho.

Thank you Del for posting the quote with the author's name. I try my best to include credit to the artist(s). I hope to find the artist who created the gorgeous goddess in the artwork I shared in September.

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