In the mist of a terrible spiral in my mental health these past (several) month. I have removed social media from my phone and deactivated my facebook account. I chose not to delete it, I hope to use it again for the chronic illness groups and blog sharing. It was important to remove myself from media and news.
At this time, I have withdrawn from my studies and missed my opportunity to complete my second course in the creative writing certification program at Western. I am focusing on my support groups and therapy sessions; working towards improving my mental health.
My art therapy sessions are wrapping up November 22 - - - my art therapist is taking on new opportunities elsewhere and our next session will be very special. We will be evaluating my art projects over the past four months. She invited me to display my art like an art gallery at my favorite coffee house. And to bring my favorite mug for the session. I will share photography of my art exhibit.